Care of the Soul

Care of the Soul

I am constantly reading, watching, researching, and learning, so it’s super hard to pick just ONE resource that has been most influential or inspiring to me (I’ll be linking to all the awesome content I find on the website under Find a Connection <<link:>>). However, the read that has captured my attention and whose content is spilling over into all of my life, personally and in practice, is one that’s been on my shelf for about 15 years. Sometimes we hold onto books until our soul is ready to fully receive the words. Have you ever held onto something for so long, wondering why, and then one day, it’s just a perfect fit and exactly what you need? Enter the book, Care of the Soul, by Thomas Moore.

In the pages the author discusses care of the soul, nurturing, tending, and being present with what makes us most human, rather than taking a modern psychology approach to fixing, perfecting, and changing.

It feels like the book is talking about shadow work, just without those words. He advises us to accept what are in and be present to it, and that possibly that is the way THROUGH to wherever we want to go.

“Observance of the soul can be deceptively simple. You take what has been disowned. You work with what is, rather than what you wish were there.”

I often tell my clients that in order to change anything, we absolutely MUST accept the thing we most want to change. Not just faking acceptance and telling ourselves. We have to fully acknowledge and love the part that may have been causing us to hate ourselves. We have to be grateful to that thing we want to change, because it may have in some way, saved our lives.

Care of the Soul follows this thread. And I haven’t finished it yet, but I’m excited to take it in page by page. So hopefully if you feel called to it, it helps you to care for your soul, even more so as we approach solstice.
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